A New PC Gaming Platform From Kongregate

kongsplash01Whether I knew it or not, I needed another game launcher. It’s not that I didn’t have enough launchers and who is to say that I had too many loaded on my humble little PC, but I was delighted when I received the email from Kongregate inviting me to try the BETA release of Kartridge.
Kartridge is the latest offering from Kongregate, the publishers of such mobile games as ‘Pocket Plants’ and ‘Bit Heroes’. Kongregate also offers a massive selection of online browser games as well as a place where developers can share their latest creations.

The first game I ever played from Kongregate was ‘Realm Grinder’ which I discovered through STEAM. It was my first ‘clicker’ and I wasn’t sure that it was for me, as I had never played anything like it before. I’ve since learned it is one of the most addictive games you could possibly find and almost impossible to put down, once you get clicking.  You chose your faction, class, and begin building your kingdom from farmhouses to Orc Arenas and castles. I never knew endless grinding and clicking could be so much fun.

I also tried (and am still playing) Stormbound, a CCG strategy game that you can play head-to-head against players from around the globe. Part card game, part board game, this is another addictive game that will have you losing track of time and forgetting the dog has been sitting with it’s legs crossed for the past three hours waiting for you to let him out. Both these games are free and available for desktop, mobile, and now through Kartridge.

Kartridge BETA is a nice desktop app, so far.  It installs quickly into your User\AppData\Local files, creating two folders. (I would have preferred an option on where to install it.)  It’s clean, easy to navigate, and easy to search for games. You have your.....
  • Home Page featuring games that are grouped into similar/like categories as it changes from one to the other.
  • Game page where you can search for games by platform, release date, ratings, and categories.
  • Library page that keeps track of the games you played.
And for developers…
  • Publish page where you can upload your game onto Kartridge and find help and tips in making your own store page and making that page special.
Screenshot of Kartridge

The individual game pages or ‘Store Pages’ offer reviews, a place to track your in-game achievements,  and information about the game and it’s developers that may even include video panels and behind the scenes stuff on the creation and development of the game, it’s art, sound fx, and even voice characterizations. It’s not just a store or an app to play games on. Kartridge seems to want to showcase each game and it’s developer, fostering a friendly and inviting atmosphere for gamers and developers alike. With the social aspect of the Chat sidebar, there is the unique and exciting opportunity for the two to meet and exchange ideas, thoughts, and just talk about the games they enjoy.

The‘Chat’ sidebar for socializing and checking in with friends, other gamers, and developers is on the right side of the desktop app and collapses if you want to concentrate on just the game. You have the opportunity to create a profile with a short bio about yourself and show off the games you’re playing.   As of this writing, the BETA doesn’t seem to track all your badges and achievements that the Kongregate site does. Assuming they do add the ability to do so later, I hope they keep it all as clean and easy on the eyes as the rest of the app is. Like some of my blog posts, it’s easy to get carried away with that stuff and have it end up looking sloppy. The difference being I can blame my mess on my meds. Playing most of their games on my phone or through Steam, I haven’t gotten into paying attention to badges and such but it seems like Kartridge would be a great place to start and to have it all available for those who are really into it.

Are there any cons to this app? Well, I’ll be the first to say, ‘Hey! Where’s the dark mode?’ but just because it’s my blog. Though it doesn’t need it, I’m well aware of the massive population of vampires and other dark creatures who patrol the internet that will want a dark mode. And – ‘Yes, you do have to sign up.’ , but it’s FREE, Jerry,  and its worth it.  Kongregate, headquartered in San Francisco CA., first started in 2006 and was later purchased by Gamestop in 2010, has over 110,00 online games along with 30+ mobile games. They publish some of the most fun, addictive, and enjoyable games that I, personally, have come across from one publisher.  Their new desktop app, Kartridge, offers premium games like Grim Fandango Remastered or Flat Kingdom, but if you’re anything like me, you will also enjoy the tons of free games Kartridge also has to offer.

The link to sign up for BETA ACCESS is below. Click on it and sign up. Then order a pizza, pop open your favorite caffeinated beverage and double check that you’ve walked the dog before you log in and wonder where the time went later. Much, much later.

Kartridge Beta Sign Up
   Click to sign up for BETA ACCESS

Click to check out Kongregate and all the great games they have to offer.


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